Nutritional Supplements

UK and EU patients may find practitioner recommended nutritional supplements here:

Natural Dispensary: Phone: 01453 757 792

BodyBio: 08000 608 380

InHealthSupplements: Vitamin D3/K2, Methyl B Hero and more.

Epigenetics Cosmeceuticals: You may provide Dr Carol Hopson as the referred practitioner

Rosita: Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil, use Practitioner code: 5579

Natroceutics Products, Nature based therapeutics

All About Balance, Shoe Inserts

US patients may find recommended supplements here:

Loomis Enzymes 

Life Extension: Phone: 1-800-678-8989

Vitacost: Phone: 1-800-381-0759

New studies and research is suggesting that Vitamin D levels is correlated with the severity and outcomes of COIVD-19. This correlation has lead to numerous science and medical experts to call for immediate, widespread, increased Vitamin D intake to at least 4,000 IU daily. Some of the other findings from other studies are:

  • The study also found that people who had both COVID-19 and lower vitamin D levels also had a higher number of inflammatory markers such as ferritin and D-dimer, which have been linked to poor COVID-19 outcomes. (JAMA Network, AMA)

  • A different study found that COVID-19 patients who had adequate vitamin D levels had a 51.5 percent lower risk of dying from the disease and a significant reduced risk for complications. (JCEM, Endocrine Society)